
Showing posts from December, 2020


  WHAT SHOULD WE DO/DON'T AFTER BREAKUP What makes heartbreak even worse is that the pain it elicits goes on for much longer than pain typically associated with physical injuries. When you break your leg, it hurts terribly in the moment but minutes or hours later when your bones are set, the pain goes down to a dull throb. But the emotional pain caused by heartache lasts days, weeks, or even months. One of the main reasons it takes so long to recover from heartbreaks is people usually indulge in thoughts and behaviors that might feel natural and compelling but actually make things worse. If you want to stop hurting sooner rather than later, here are 7 mistakes to avoid:  One of the tasks of getting over someone is to take them off the pedestal and de-idealize both them and the relationship. If the person broke your heart, either they and/or the relationship simply were not as amazing as you thought. Therefore, you have to change your perceptions of who the person was to reali