
Showing posts from August, 2020


                     GET MORE OUT OF LIFE || BE HEALTHY.BE WEALTHY Stop neglecting yourself. You are not much good to others if you are not much good to yourself. when you care for your health and wealth you will cause great joy in your life.  To get the most out of life you need not only a healthy mind, one that is well trained to perform skilled tasks and that knows how to talk the body out of getting very upset, but also a healthy body.  Among the most important factors which determine the kind of life you have is the kind of health you have. This is such an obvious statement that it's often not considered seriously. We take our health for granted- until we lose it. anytime you want to find out what your life would be like if you were paralyses, just put yourself in a wheelchair and don't use your legs for three days. And if you want to find out what it is like not to see, wear a blindfold for a day and see what life can be like. what can be Accomplished. To help convince yo