Motivation|| Get Motivated For Success



Who doesn’t want to be more motivated in life so we can accomplish everything that we want while still having the fire burning inside of us? This is usually easier said than done.
Finding your motivation is sometimes like trying to find an elusive unicorn, one that everyone is trying to get a hold of and only a few of the fortunate ones are able to accomplish this. However, this doesn't have to be the case.
Motivation is like a muscle, and it can be cultivated and pushed to grow and become much stronger with just a few simple applications and a few minor changes in your life. With the right positive changes in your lifestyle, you will benefit on many .



What is Motivation

Motivation is the force that guides you to do what you do. It is the reason behind all of your actions. What you think, do, say, and act on is all inspired and originated from somewhere. Have you ever taken the time to ponder over the source of all that you do?
It isn’t just the actions, but also the repetitions of your actions that are driven by motivation. When you are motivated enough, you are able to accomplish your goals and achieve everything you’ve set out to do.

Source of Motivation

The truth about motivation is that it requires more than just saying to yourself that you want to make more money or that you want to get a task done so that you don't have to do it anymore. This isn't motivation, but instead, they are the reasons for having to do

  • Family

Having a sense of family can be a source of intense motivation and is one that has taken root within our lives for centuries. The sense of honor and duty that you have to your family can lead you to achieve success in the goals that you have set out to accomplish. This sense of family is something that many people take to mean something tangible beyond anything else that could inspire them.

  • Glory

Gaining glory is a profoundly personal desire that encompasses a lot of motivational sources that are within people. Perhaps you need to accomplish things in order to find validation that is lasting and powerful.
If you are the kind of person that seeks praise and power for the accomplishments you've achieved, then glory might be an extremely powerful motivating factor for you

  • Developing Healthy Morning Habits

One of the best ways to start your day off with enough motivation to accomplish your daily goals is to develop healthy morning habits and start your day off on a positive note. When you can train yourself to develop healthy habits, you will find that your energy levels through the day have increased dramatically.
This will result in getting the extra boost you need to make you feel that you are ready to take on your day. You want to be pumped and ready to go, so that you can focus on the tasks that you need to accomplish that day.

If you can commit to devoting your early mornings to work on self-improvement, you will be much less likely to skip the routing.


by working on your self-improvement in the mornings the rest of your day will be more productive.

  • Gain More Exposure to Natural Light

The first thing that you should do in the morning is open your blinds and curtains to allow more natural light to flow into your room. Your body is programmed to wake up to natural light. If it is during the winter and it’s dark in the mornings where you live, then you may need to get up and turn on the lights.

  • Washing Up Ritual

When we take the time to wash in the morning, this helps our brain realize that the day has begun. To get the most out of the washing up ritual, try to incorporate these steps into your new daily morning routine. When you first wake up:

1. Wash your face with hot water and a facial cleanser.
2. Finish up with a splash of cold water.
3. Take a short shower. Don’t worry about washing your hair or using soap, just get your body wet.
4. Dry off and get dressed in fresh clothes.
5. Brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash.

  • Get Hydrated

After you’ve finished your washing up ritual, you need to make sure that you get yourself hydrated by drinking at least one, eight-ounce glass of water. If you enjoy a strong cup of coffee in the morning, that's fine, just make sure you also drink a bottle of water with it, so you don't become dehydrated

  • Get Your Body Moving

If you want to stay motivated throughout your day, then you need to get your brain running effectively. In order to do this, you need to get your heart pumping. To get your heart pumping first thing in the morning, try one of the following quick exercises:
              • 25 jumping jacks
              • 25 wall push-ups

              • Three yoga poses
              • Quick 10-minute walk or jog

Make a Connection with Your Passion
Every morning, choose to participate in an activity that will energize you are you ready yourself for your hour of self-improvement. You can use the energized activity as a bridge to your hour-long activity.

What Not to Do in Your Morning Ritual

Some habits can quickly kill your energy and motivation, so it is best that you avoid doing things like looking at social media sites first thing in the morning, watching TV, surfing the internet, interacting with others, and wasting your time with morning gossip.

Focusing on Self-Improvement

Once you've gotten to the point where you have your energizing routine down, the next step that you will want to take is planning out your hour of self-improvement.
You should try to commit to at least one hour every morning to work on your self-improvement, however, if this won't work with your schedule, then you should aim for 30 minutes. You can begin with a 30 window, but you might eventually find that you can increase this time to a solid hour.
The main thing that you want to focus on is that you are setting aside time in your morning to dedicate to completing a life-changing activity that will increase your motivation for success. Many people find that they are able to stay focused on their 

changing activities for 45 to 60 minutes, but find that their motivation and focus drop after an hour.
Focus is an essential aspect of this commitment. There are too many of us that spend too much time multitasking, and not spending our time just focusing on a single task at a time. It has been shown in several studies that we are actually more efficient when we tackle one thing at a time.
They also show that we tend to learn better when we are focused exclusively on one thing at a time. Focus is indeed essential when you are trying to change your habits and improve your life.
This step in the process will require you to choose an activity for your self-improvement time that will have an impact in reaching your goals. Some people will try to take on two goals at the same time, like losing weight and taking cooking classes. However, as stated before, trying to work on two targets at a time won't work.
You need to focus on just one of your goals at a time, at least until you get to the point where you feel comfortable taking on another target. For example, perhaps you can start by taking a cooking class that will teach you how to prepare healthy meals properly.

Learn Something New

You may want to utilize your hour of self-improvement time participating in activities that you will enjoy while learning something new. Perhaps you have an interest in learning how to paint using watercolors.
You can use your self-improvement time to learn the various techniques needed to create watercolor paintings. You'll spend this time improving your art skills. You can take a course for beginners in drawing or read a book that will walk you through the process and necessary steps to help you get started.

Increase Your Spirituality

You may be at a time in your life where you feel that you are in need of some improvement in your mindfulness and spirituality.
You can increase your spirituality in a number of ways, but here are a few suggestions on how you can spend your morning self-improvement hour. 

             • Read spiritual texts and take notes on what inspired you.
             • Spend time meditating or praying.
              • Practice mindfulness techniques by observing your own breathing and tuning into the quiet sounds of the early morning.
           • Write down ten blessings.
           • Walk around in an area where you gain inspiration.
              • Write down ways that you can give back or participate in charity projects and organizations.
         Increase Your Physical Activity

           You may want to think about joining a workout class if your goal is to increase your physical activity. If you are overweight or haven’t done a lot of physical activity lately, you may want to start with an activity that is done in the water.

       Build Up Your Confidence

              A huge motivation killer is a lack of confidence. If you want to increase your motivation, then you will have to work on your self-confidence. Here are some activities that can help you build up your self-confidence and increase your motivation.


Trading Bad Habits for Good Ones

Most of us have a terrible habit or three that we would like to change or trade in for a good habit. Instead of procrastinating with your long list of never ending excuses as to why you can't trade in your bad habits, perhaps it may be time to make the trade.
If you want to increase your energy levels and motivation, then having some good practices are sure to help you improve your motivation so you can finally achieve your goals.

  • Yoga

Practicing yoga is a healthy way for you to get physical exercise, as well as improving your mindfulness. It is an exercise that you can choose to do at home, or you can join a local class with a friend. Joining a class with a friend will help to keep you motivated to continue your yoga practice.

  • Meditation

Regular meditation practice is an excellent form of exercise to give both your body and mind a positive energy boost. There are different kinds and levels of reflection that you can start. As with yoga, this activity is something that you can do either at home or in a group or class setting.

Decrease Stress and Increase Energy

You may not know this, but stress is actually a chemical reaction, a hormonal chemical reaction, that occurs in your body because of a perceived threat. During a threatening situation, hormone cortisol appears in your blood, causing your heartbeat to increase. Stress at one time was humanity’s lifesaver.
However, the link that stress has to motivation is incredibly complex. For example, when motivation kicks in so that you can finish your project by its deadline, one will naturally feel a bit stressed.

  • Be Present

With today's 24/7 connected world, we tend to forget that we should slow down and just be present at the moment. Take five minutes to focus on only one behavior with awareness. When you are out for a walk, notice how the air feels on your face and how your feet feel when they hit the ground.

Learn to enjoy the texture and taste of each bite of food. When you can slow down and spend time at the moment and focus on your senses, you will start to feel less tense.

  • Laugh Out Loud

Having a good belly laugh doesn’t just lighten the load mentally, but it also lowers cortisol, your body’s stress hormone, and boosts chemicals in your brains called endorphins, which help your mood. Lighten things up by tuning into your favorite sitcom or video, reading comics, or talking with friends who make you smile.

  • Turn on the Music

Research has proven that listening to soothing music can help to lower your heart rate, lower blood pressure, and contribute to reducing anxiety. Take some time to create a playlist .

favorite songs or nature sounds and allow your mind to focus on the different instruments, melodies, and singers in the piece.

  • Be Grateful

To help you remember everything good in your life, keep a gratitude journal. Being grateful for what you have in your life will help to cancel out the negative thoughts and worries that you might be experiencing. Use your journal to savor the good experiences that you encounter daily.


There are so many things in life that can quickly kill your motivation, making it hard for you to accomplish your goals and get everything in life that you desire. The tips and suggestions throughout this book are meant as a way to help you boost your energy and jump-start your motivation.
 you need to develop a game plan that is going to work for you. This will include altering your daily diet and choosing healthier foods and improving your physical activity and mental health.
By creating a better life, both mentally and physically, as well as emotionally, you will be more likely to succeed in achieving your goals.



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